supply chain
With the space sector undergoing unprecedented growth the entire service infrastructure – the people (and their skills), the approaches (and working practices) and the technology (both hardware and services) are under systemic pressure to transform. This is vital for the long-term sustainability of the sector.
The space sector supply chain is being disrupted – there are more start-ups than ever before; there is more opportunity for technology transfer from other sectors and there is a growing emphasis on academic spin-out to deliver commercial benefits. And of course, the UK is destined to have sustainable sovereign launch capabilities in the current decade.
We are working to ensure this transition is effective and beneficial either by developing technologies that support the transition of the existing supply chain, such as through our product development platform as well as through designing new supply chains to support specific needs.
Product Development Platform
Plastron is developing a state-of-the-art digital platform to support new product R&D.
The platform will apply novel risk-management practices developed in collaboration with our academic partners to increase success rates, mitigate failure during the R&D life cycle and ensure best-in-class space standards are effectively implemented.
In line with supporting the product development journey, the platform helps users develop the key professional skills in parallel.

The platform’s design is intended to support end users in three key ways:
- Product-specific best practices applied during R&D to align end application with the TRL design and development journey.
- Early-stage identification of key technical and commercial skills desirable for assuring success.
- Real-time mapping of necessary space standards to ensure R&D, qualification and commercialisation routes are optimised for cost and time benefits.
This project is currently incubated with the ESA Business Incubation Centre at Harwell Technology Park.
Team member 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sem lectus, fringilla ut quam non, pharetra eleifend libero. Nunc eget nibh dui. Phasellus felis felis, condimentum at neque nec, ultricies vestibulum velit. Vestibulum vulputate vitae nunc et volutpat. Suspendisse euismod est sed erat imperdiet ultricies. Vestibulum feugiat vestibulum ipsum ut imperdiet. Ut vitae tincidunt augue. Aenean et commodo est. Etiam quis molestie lectus. Suspendisse molestie ut ligula quis commodo. Cras ex lacus, venenatis eu vehicula id, rhoncus ut neque. Nullam lobortis euismod quam. Suspendisse potenti.

Team member 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sem lectus, fringilla ut quam non, pharetra eleifend libero. Nunc eget nibh dui. Phasellus felis felis, condimentum at neque nec, ultricies vestibulum velit. Vestibulum vulputate vitae nunc et volutpat. Suspendisse euismod est sed erat imperdiet ultricies. Vestibulum feugiat vestibulum ipsum ut imperdiet. Ut vitae tincidunt augue. Aenean et commodo est. Etiam quis molestie lectus. Suspendisse molestie ut ligula quis commodo. Cras ex lacus, venenatis eu vehicula id, rhoncus ut neque. Nullam lobortis euismod quam. Suspendisse potenti.
To find out more about this project, please contact us using the form below.